There is a saying, "If you can't find an RV product in Northern Indiana, look again." Being from Northern Indiana, we know that to be profoundly true!
Outside of Northern Indiana's RV shopper's paradise?
Believe it or not, the news is good for finding what you want, and there are delivery choices!

Many local businesses here in Indiana support the manufacturing of RVs. We can often find parts and advice within a half-hour drive as opposed to 3-hour lines on the phone and two weeks delivery from catalogs or websites.
But what happens if you are not in Northern Indiana and you need RV specific parts? Check out our article here about our RVIA ladders. As we produce the external rooftop ladder for many local RV plants, we know that these ladders can not be found at the nearest oasis or hardware shop. RV ladders are RV-specific and congruent with the manufacturers' designs for their products.

If you find the ladder you need, but aren't in the area, most need to have the ladders shipped. But shipping costs are associated with the weight AND size of the package. Although the RV ladders are made of a high-grade lightweight aluminum and barely exceed 30 lbs, they can take up between 8 to 10 ft of space! Because of their size, the average external RV ladder exceeds the limits of USPS, UPS, and FEDEX's conveyor belts. So, although these ladders are very light, they have to be delivered by truckline.

And because each ladder is made to the RVIA standard with "frozen" manufacturing methods to ensure consistency of performance, it is not compliant to ship ladders that are disassembled or broken down.
As a result, shipping by truckline can be very expensive. These days every region in the US is struggling with a shortage of truck drivers, not enough vehicles, increased fuel costs and constant changes. Be prepared, if ordering an RV ladder, the shipping costs can exceed the cost of the ladder itself! It is well worth it however, to invest $300-$500 in shipping depending on your location. Unlike many other ladders, RV ladders are permanently mounted. Ladders that are permanently secured to a structure are often safer because they eliminate variability in the ground's surface and have a constant position. Plus, the fact that you do not need to use limited basement space for storage makes the mounted ladder advantageous.
So, how DO you save on shipping costs?
Here are our top five tips to save on RV ladder shipping costs.
The first strategy is: call us at 574-703-1873. If you need a ladder and find that you will be coming through this area, we can set up a will call. Just set up an appointment and we will be here to ensure you have your ladder and answer any questions you may have.
A second strategy could be to set up a ladder installation. Since we produce these ladders for the RV plants, we know the installation guidelines. Save yourself the trouble of installing it! Set up an appointment and we will remove your current RV ladder and reinstall a new RV ladder with the appropriate cushioning, fasteners, and sealants. During that time, we can answer any questions you have.
A third strategy could be to meet us at a rally. If we are headed to an RV rally, we would be happy to bring the ladder to you without shipping costs.
And when all else fails, we can ship by truckline. However, there can be a big savings if you are willing to pick up your ladder from the truck terminal as opposed to home delivery. If you do pick up your ladder from a terminal, all you need is your ID, the tracking number, and an SUV or pick-up truck to take your ladder with you.
Another way to save on truckline costs is having it shipped to your business or office, because they may be already on a delivery route. Amazingly, some trucklines can send text updates!
Once you have found the right match of ladder to your RV, the last stretch is its delivery. The good news is there are many choices, even in delivery, and we happy to help in any way we can. Just contact us!